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Statute of the Cores
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Cores of Direction Operation Statute

Scientific Working Groups
Decision of creating Cores of Direction
The creation of Cells Direction was decided, according to three scientific directions of the Department (Cardiovascular, Respiratory and ICU), in order to help, as much as possible, at the effective functioning of the Department of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Rehabilitation-Physiotherapy. The goal of the Cores is the development of the subject via special scientific activities such as seminars, public information, writing and dissemination of leaflets with instructions to patients and relatives, scientific and clinical support of fellow physiotherapists, development of research and statistical activities, physiotherapy acts , physiotherapeutic evaluation sheet, view project and development of specific issues, etc.
Cores of Direction - Composition
The cores will consist of seven physiotherapists (one coordinator and six members) - members of the Department with postgraduate qualification in the subject and /corresponding clinical experience with obvious interest and involvement with the  operations of the Direction. Core moderators are designated as coordinators of the respective scientific direction, mandatory members of the administrative council of T.K.A.F.A. Coordinators and members of the Cores will be placed in by the newly elected administrative council of T.K.A.F.A  every two years. Partners of the Direction can become professional members of directioneven freelancers, who will be appointed by a majority of seven members of the Core and approved by the administrative council of T.K.A.F.A. The objectives of the Cores will be implemented, where necessary by means of Scientific Working Groups, which will consist of a Core Member (Supervisor), Members of the Department and Partners.
Function of actions
The meetings of the Core and the Working Groups may be held at the offices of the Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists. All the course and evolution of a Core   and Scientific Working Groups action will be performed in cooperation and by the approval of the Coordinator of the Direction.
Obligations of the Coordinators and the administrative council of T.K.A.F.A. 
Coordinators will recommend the proposals of the Cores to the administrative council of  T.K.A.F.A. 
The administrative council of T.K.A.F.A. will discuss the recommendations of the Core and decide according to their authorization, to be helper for the conduct of the authorized operations. Finally, the proposals will be deposited with the Panhellenic Association of Physiotherapists for further final approval.
Obligations of Members, Partners and Coordinator of Core
Electronic communication between Members and Associates of the Core for processing an action shall be notified to the Coordinator to control the course and evolution of this action. Members of the Core need to inform regularly the Coordinator of the Direction for the development and progress of the working group activities, which in turn will inform the administrative council of T.K.A.F.A. In this way, the course of one action of the working group will be well protected  .